Give Now
The Education Foundation of Gulf County was created in 2000, as a non-profit 501(c)3 direct-support organization for Gulf District Schools. We serve to enhance educational programs for students with private and corporate funds. Led by a volunteer board of directors made up of community, educational and business leaders, the Foundation has raised private funds and resources totaling over $1 million dollars that have directly impacted Gulf County classrooms. Not only are your donations tax deductible, but they are also eligible to be matched $1 for $1!
Donate to EFGC
You may give online securely with any valid credit card using PayPal.
Or you may also write a check and mail it to:
The Education Foundation of Gulf County, Inc.
2201 Long Avenue
Port St. Joe, FL 32456
Buy a License Plate
Since its introduction in 1994, more than $13 million has been raised through the collaborative efforts of the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations (CFEF) and local education foundation members like us across the state.

When Florida residents purchase or renew their Support Education specialty tag, $20 goes directly back to support education programs in the county where the tag was purchased or renewed. Funds support programs like classroom innovation, education enrichment programs, supporting and recognizing teachers, extra help and mentoring for at-risk students, school supplies and school scholarships.
Visit to learn more, purchase, or trade in your current Support Education tag today!