Grant FAQ

Classroom Grant FAQ

Q: Are you on Facebook?

A: YES! Please like our page.

Q: How much may I request? 

A: EFGC suggests grants of less than $1000, but will review grants up to $2500.

Q: Who is eligible to apply for a grant from The Education Foundation of Gulf County?

A: Gulf District School Employees directly supporting the public-school students in Gulf District Schools. The foundation does not consider grants to individuals not employed by and directly serving Gulf District Schools.

Q: What things can be funded? 

A: The EFGC Classroom/Teacher Grant Program MUST align with Gulf District School’s current strategic plan AND MUST be focused on one or more of the following programmatic areas:

  • Career & Technical Education
  • Increasing Graduation Rates
  • Literacy
  • Low Performing Students
  • STEM Education
  • Teacher Quality/Improving Classroom Instruction

Q: What things cannot be funded? 

A: Post-Secondary Scholarships, Food, Entertainment, Interscholastic Athletics, Decorative Items, Awards, Furniture, and Incentives.

Q: What are the priorities of the Teaching and Learning Grant Program? 

A: The Foundation wishes to encourage innovative projects that impact teaching and learning. The proposal should be written so that the benefit to students is clear. PRIORITY is given for Literacy, STEM, and Low Performing Students. The EFGC sometimes receive grants dollars that have to be allocated for certain areas of focus…in these cases, grants matching that criteria will be given priority.

Q: Are there any important deadlines? 

A: Please make a note of the following deadlines:

  • September 30th: Classroom Teacher Grants Proposals are Due
  • October (DATE TBD Annually): The EFGC Executive Board Grant Review and Award Announcements are made.
  • May 15th: All classroom grants must be expended. Copies of invoices, Pos, and/or receipts should be sent to our Executive Director by June 15th. Any funds not expended by May 15th should be returned to EFGC.
  • June 15: Grant Evaluations/Financial Statements/Reports are due to the EFGC. Please email evaluations, pictures, and media coverage links to the foundation. Also, include a hard copy of your invoices, PO, and/or receipts for the grant funds expended. If your evaluation report includes FSA or EOC data not released by the state, then please update your evaluation when scores are released.


Q: What is considered when awarding grants? 

A: The following criteria is considered when awarding grants:

  1. Is the need of the project clearly stated, relevant, and important? Does it target Literacy, STEM, Low-Performing Students, or Career Technical Education?
  2. Are the project goals clear and measurable? (Based on measurable learning gains?)
  3. Is the budget reasonable for the scope of the project?
  4. Does the budget only include allowable expenses? IF you have questions, please review the FAQ or contact the EFGC Board of Directors prior to submitting your grant.
  5. Have you discussed your learning initiative or project with your principal and received approval?

Q: Who will judge the proposals? Is the review process fair? 

A: Board members of the Education Foundation of Gulf County, Inc. will evaluate the grant application using a blind, competitive review process. Applicants should keep in mind that readers are, for the most part, not education professionals. Therefore, it is important to keep technical terms and acronyms to a minimum. Judging will be blind, so please do not include information in your grant that suggests a particular school or class (Example: GATOR GAINS THROUGH GEOMETRY as a grant title).

Still have questions? Contact us! We are here to help!